We the People MUST Make A Change


End Adoption Fraud is a nonprofit entity with a mission to do what our name implies. Please join us in our uphill efforts to serve the full weight of justice upon the worst criminals in Arkansas; those who have gotten away with maliciously and fraudulently adopting innocent children.


See for yourself, click here to read Arkansas 9-9-216(b).

This is what current Arkansas Law states: ”...the (adoption) decree cannot be questioned by any person including the petitioner, in any manner upon any ground, including fraud, misrepresentation, failure to give any required notice, or lack of jurisdiction of the parties...”

Please sign our petition for amendment of this Statue now.

Help us fight the evil in our communities.

Help us bring these criminals to justice.

Many innocent children have fallen victim of fraudulent and misrepresented adoptions. These perjurious adoptions are being protected by Arkansas State Law.

This must be amended so victims may find peace.

Let us seek justice for those whom cannot seek it for themselves.


“The only thing more painful than a dead child, is the pain of knowing one was stolen… And there is nothing you can legally do about it”

- A victim’s mother

Please read on to learn more or click here to read about the case that started our movement, The Pinkston Scandal out of Greenwood, Arkansas. We do warn you, the contents of this case will induce feelings of utmost disgust, for these criminals are of the very worst kind. These criminals have gotten away with permanently destroying their victim’s lives.


01 - Amendment of Current Law

Arkansas Statue 9-9-216(b) reads the following: Subject to the disposition of an appeal, upon the expiration of one (1) year after an adoption decree is issued, the decree cannot be questioned by any person including the petitioner, in any manner upon any ground, including fraud, misrepresentation, failure to give any required notice, or lack of jurisdiction of the parties or of the subject matter unless, in the case of the adoption of a minor, the petitioner has not taken custody of the minor or, in the case of the adoption of an adult, the adult had no knowledge of the decree within the one-year period.

We The People must amend this law. It is not only scary, but unequivocally wrong. It is Ungodly and certainly against public opinion. This law means that someone can fraudulently steal your children, and if that paperwork flies under the radar for 12 months, that’s it. The petitioners now have custody of your children and no questions can be asked. Ever. This has happened within Arkansas and will continue to happen until we make a change.

What if you’re a soldier on an 18 month deployment, and come home to find your children fraudulently adopted, and you cannot prosecute the criminals because of 9-9-216(b)?

What if you’re a mother in a financial hardship, and by the time you can pay attorneys to fight false claims, the statue has expired and your children are gone forever?

What about these victims? Where is their justice?

End Adoption Fraud is here to help them find it. Please join us and sign our petition now.

02 - Righteousness for Victims

We promise to demand God given righteousness be found for every individual that has been victim of a fraudulent adoption. Each and every fraudulent adoption case contains an inherent element of unfounded lies and manipulations. These falsehoods cause children’s lives to be destroyed. Arkansas children have had their families and their identities stolen from them under entirely false pretenses. Let us be their triumphant voice, and bring them the righteousness which they are entitled to through the eyes of God.

03 - Restitution for Victims

We promise to aggressively seek the right to civil awards for victims. We believe the criminals who have committed such terrible acts should be held fully liable for enormous civil damages. The pain and suffering these cases cause is staggering. Those who maliciously destroy the lives and identities of children and families should face nothing short of bankruptcy for civil penalties.

04 - Criminal Penalties

We aim to place these egregious criminals in prison where they belong. Every fraudulent adoption decree was obtained through felonious perjury, where the petitioners have lied to the courts about the whereabouts and/or welfare of biological parents. This is a serious matter involving the lives of children and their identities. We firmly believe only a handful of unspeakable crimes outweigh this. The criminals who commit adoption fraud should face the harshest criminal justice.

05 - We will deliver justice

It is our core mission to change these laws for the benefit of everyone who has fallen victim to them. It is also our mission to deliver justice. Nowhere in the United States should someone be able to steal children under perjury and get away with it. In our opinion and the opinion of many others, such actions should carry criminal penalty, and there should be no statue of limitations on fraudulent adoption cases. We believe lying in adoption proceedings should be a very serious Class Y Felony, and we will not stop petitioning for this change until Jesse and LouAnne Pinkston are behind prison walls where they belong.